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-- JoaoCarreira - 15 Dec 2009
General Description

In XEO a logging system was created, to create a level of abstraction from other loggers currently used. In this version the log4j was updated to version 1.2.15 wich is used internally by the XEO.

This implementation pretends to normalize the XEO logging as also from the applications developed in this platform.

If no configuration is specified in the boconfig.xml, the system will use log4j general parameterization, namely log4j.properties.

Logger Architecture

The logger system consits of two levels. The Logger and the Appender

The loggers are the elements that define wich packages schould be logged, as also the writting format in the log. For each logger there are appenders, wich can be the following: *console - This appender writes the log messages of the standart java output *file - This appender creates log files with a defined file size *email - This appender sends error by email to the configured recipients. This logger does not work in every leves, just superiors to WARNING.

There can be several loggers with different appenders, if you pretend that different packages are logged in different ways.

How to use

Obtain a logger for a class

import netgest.bo.system.Logger;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class);

Write on the log

logger.warn("Something went wrong. Message");


When using logging, you should pay some attention to perfiormance questions. For example, avoid messages to be created if the logger is not active for the current level.

When doing logging, You should put the code in a if wich will check if the logger is active for the current level.


logger.finest("Entering class " + this.getClass().getName );


if( logger.isFinestEnabled() ) 
    logger.finest("Entering class %s", this.getClass().getName ); 

By the second way, we avoid the string to be concatenated with the cass name when the FINEST level is not active.

XEO Logging configuration ( boconfig.xml )

Logging levels and respective using cases:

# Level Log Text DescriptionSorted ascending
6 SEVERE SEVER Errors that prevent a good system functioning, so as poorly written queries, viewers/objects with definition syntax error, etc.
3 FINE FINE Extended log level, gives information about backgroud tasks execution, external API calls result like sending emails, web srvice calls, etc.
4 CONFIG CONF Information about System configurations, Atention, do not log passwords
5 WARNING WARN Information of critical warning, unusual errors, but of wich ones the user is notified if they occurred.
1 FINEST FINST This level should be used to behavior debug. This level should never be active in production
2 FINER FINER This level should give relevant information to trace errors, how external API's are called, runtime configuration reading results.

Configuration in boconfig.xml

General configuration logger:

Attribute Possible Values Description
active true/false If the logger is active or not
for String separated by commas Packages for wich this configuration should be used
level FINEST / FINER / FINE / CONFIG / WARNING / SERVERE Log level that will be done by this configuration
pattern Writting format for the log of type log4j Log writting format

Appender Configuration console:

Attribute Possible Values Description
active true/false Activate or disable this appender

Appender Configuration file:

Attribute Possible Values Description
active true/false Activate or disable this appender


Name of the log file

xeoHome relative path or absolute localization and log file name

maxSize nn / nnKB / nnMB Maximum log file size.
backupFiles n Number of files that should be kept in the history after log limit exeded

Appender Configuration (This Appender only works for logs superior to WARNING) email:

Attribute Possible Values Description
active true/false Activate or disable this appender
buffer n Number of earlier messages in the log that should be send in the email body
smtpHost hostname SMTP Server to use for sending error logs
from email address Sender email address
to email address Receiver email address
cc email address Email CC address
bcc email address Email BCC address
subject String Email subject text
Configuration Examples

This logger is configured to do logging in all classes that are in the pt and netgest package hierarchy. The log level is FINEST so, the log will be long. Once the appender email is deactivated, the WARNING and SEVERE messages are not send by email.

 <logger active='true' for='pt,netgest' level='FINEST' pattern='%d %5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n' >
  <console active='true'  />
  <file active='true' logFile='.\log\fileName.log' backupFiles='5' maxSize='50MB' />
  <email active='false' buffer='50' smtpHost='mail.itds.pt' from='' to='jp[a]itds.pt' cc='' bcc='' subject='ola' />

Log with examples of different leves and appenders by package. This configuration makes the log in FINEST mode to the console, file and email of all classes that are in the package pt. For the classes in the netgest package, writes on the console only config messages or higher.

 <logger active='true' for='pt' level='FINEST' pattern='%d %5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n' >
  <console active='true'  />
  <file active='true' logFile='.\log\fileName.log' backupFiles='5' maxSize='50MB' />
  <email active='true' buffer='50' smtpHost='mail.itds.pt' from='' to='destemail' cc='' bcc='' subject='ola' />
 <logger active='true' for='netgest' level='CONFIG' pattern='%d %5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n' >
  <console active='true'  />

Example of a class using logging

Example of use in a deveoped class:

package pt.logger;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;

import netgest.bo.system.Logger;
import netgest.bo.system.boApplication;

public class LoggerDemo {
   // Initialize the logger for the class
   private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( LoggerDemo.class );
   public static void main( String[] args ) {
      // Call some sample methods
   public static void doSomeWork() {
      FileWriter fw;
      PrintWriter pw;
      File propsFile;
      // Log configuration info to the logger
      logger.config("xeoHome is [%s]", 
      propsFile = new File("c:\\jvmprops.txt");
      if( propsFile.exists() ) {
         // Warning - the previous file was overwritten
         logger.warn("Overwritting file %s ", propsFile.getName() );
      else {
         if( logger.isFineEnabled() )
            // Fine - Creating a file
            logger.fine("Creating file %s ", propsFile.getName() );
      try {
         fw = new FileWriter( propsFile );
         pw = new PrintWriter( fw );
         if( logger.isFinestEnabled() ) {
            // Finest - Filling a file
            logger.finest("Dumping properties to [%s]", propsFile.getAbsolutePath() );
         for( Object propName : System.getProperties().keySet() ) {
            pw.format( "%s : %s \n", propName, System.getProperty( propName.toString() ) );
         if( logger.isFinestEnabled() ) {
            // Finest - Closing the file
            logger.finest("Closing file [%s]", propsFile.getAbsolutePath() );
      } catch (IOException e) {
         // Severe - Something goes wrong writing the file
         logger.severe( "Error writing to file [%s]" , e, propsFile.getAbsolutePath() );
   public static void loggedMethod() {
      // Finest - tracing method call's
      logger.finest( "Entering in method: %s", "loggedMethod" );
      // Do Work
      // (...)

      logger.finest( "Exiting in method: %s", "loggedMethod" );

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Java source code filejava LoggerDemo.java manage 2.1 K 2009-12-21 - 20:49 JoaoCarreira Código fonte da class de demonstração
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