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-- PedroRio - 18 Jun 2010

Internationalization (i18N)

To create and use multi-language messages in XWC Components and in XVW viewers the following must be made.


1) Create an Interface/Class with a set of N public static final fields, which return an instance of XUILocalizedMessage and give each of them a name, like in the following example (the example assumes a ViewerMessages Interface)

public static final XUILocalizedMessage BUILDER_ELAPSED_TIME = 
new XUILocalizedMessage( ViewersMessages.class.getName(), "TIME_BUILDER" );
public static final XUILocalizedMessage BUILDER_PROCESSING = 
new XUILocalizedMessage( ViewersMessages.class.getName(), "BUILDER_MESSAGE" );

When creating a new XUILocalizedMessage, two parameters must be passed, the first is the name of the current class and the second, an identifier for the message

2) Create a ViewerMessages.properties file (the name of the properties file, must match the name of the class/interface) and write the translations for messages in the default application language, for the above example it would be something like:

TIME_BUILDER = Time that will take to build
BUILDER_MESSAGE = Builder is processing

3 ) For each of the available languages in your application create ViewerMessages_pt.properties, ViewerMessages_es.properties, ViewerMessages_XX.properties files so that the translations for other languages are available. The ViewerMessages_pt.properties would be something like the following.

TIME_BUILDER = Tempo para terminar o build
BUILDER_MESSAGE = Builder está a processar

Usage in a XWC Component

When developing a custom component, textual content may need to be printed. Instead of making something like this:

StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
b.append(" Builder is processing ");
// processing

One can use the already defined messages with the following code:

StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();

Usage in a XVW Viewer

To use localization in a XVW Viewer an additional step must be performed. In the XML definition of the viewer in the xvw:viewer element the localizationClass attribute must be filled with the fully qualified name of a class which defines the messages (like ViewerMessages in the above example)

<xvw:viewer beanClass="" beanId="viewBean" localizationClasses='pt.itds.project.localization.ViewerMessages>

And, to use a message in a Menu component, one would declare the component as

<xvw:menu text='@{BUILDER_ELAPSED_TIME}'/>

To continue

Topic revision: r7 - 2011-04-04 - NicolauGrosskopf

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