PedroRio - 18 Feb 2011
XEO Web Components - Samples.
This section has snippets of code to perform a certain operation (and explanation of the snippet)
Opening a new viewer
A fairly common operation will be opening a viewer in response to a user clicking a button. To do so, in the bean method where you want to open the viewer use the following code:
XML Definition
<xvw:menu text='Open Tab' target='tab' serverAction='#{viewBean.openTab}'>
Java Code
public void openTab(){
//Create a XUIViewRoot representing the viewer (viewer can be located in the source code, or in the webapp of the application)
XUIViewRoot viewRoot = getSessionContext().createChildView("viewers/path/to/viewer/Viewer.xvw");
//Set the newly created viewroot as the view root of the request
//Render the response
Opening a new viewer (in a window)
Sometimes you'll want to open a viewer inside a small window (and not in a new tab). To do that you must add the
xvw:window component to your viewer and execute the same code as the previous example.
Viewer Definition
<xvw:viewer beanClass="org.xeoframework.examples.MyBean" beanId="viewBean">
<xvw:window width='500' height='300'>
<!-- Remaining components -->
Menu (important, notice the absence of the "target" property, which defaults to "self")
<xvw:menu text='Open Window' serverAction='#{viewBean.openWindow}'>
Java Code (same code as above, only change needed to be done for this example is adding the xvw:window component and removing the target property)
XUIViewRoot viewRoot = getSessionContext().createChildView("viewers/Objecto/MyViewer.xvw");
Finding a component in the component tree
One regular task when implementing a method using the Java API in a bean is to find a given component and retrieve a certain property value, or changing a set of properties (as well as adding a new child to the component). In order to do that you must be able to find the component in the component tree of a viewer. There are two ways of finding a component: By type and by identifier.
Find a component by type
In this situation, if you only have one instance of a given type/class you can find the component by its class. If you were looking for a
TreePanel component you could use the following code:
XUIComponentBase myComp = getViewRoot().findComponent(TreePanel.class);
TreePanel panel = (TreePanel) myComp;
if (panel != null){
// Do normal processing
You could also just use:
TreePanel panel = (TreePanel) getViewRoot().findComponent(TreePanel.class);
Beware that you should only use the
findComponent method with the class as parameter if you're certain there's only one instance of the component in the current viewer. If there are more than one, it's undefined which one will be returned by the method. If you have more than one instance of a given type/class of components you should see the following section.
Find a component by identifier
If have multiple instances of a given component type/class in your viewer the only reliable way of finding them is to given them an identifier and search for that identifier. To find a component by its identifier you actually need to know the identifier of the parent form component and the component itself, because component identifiers are created like the following:
So, if your form has an identifier like "myForm" and your component an identifier like "comp", the full identifier for the component will be:
To find the component using its identifier, you should declare the form of the viewer with an
id attribute as well as your component and then use the following code:
<xvw:form id='myForm'>
<xvw:treePanel id='comp'>
TreePanel panel = (TreePanel) getViewRoot().findComponent("myForm:comp");
In case you don't know the (or don't want to add) the identifier of the form component you can also use the following code, to search for the form component and retrieve its identifier:
XUIForm form = (XUIForm) getViewRoot().findComponent(XUIForm.class)
String formID = form.getClientId();
TreePanel panel = (TreePanel) getViewRoot.findComponent(formID+":"+"myComp");
getClientId method retrieves the identifier of the form that it's autogenerated by the framework (if one was not declared in the xml definition).
Finding the selected line in a panel (gridpanel, list, bridge)
A common programming task with XEO Web Components is to have a gridPanel component (or list/bridge) and have toolbar with a button that will trigger some action on a selected line from the panel. To do that you need the following code in the method invoked by the button.
//import netgest.bo.xwc.components.connectors.*;
//import netgest.bo.xwc.components.classic.GridPanel;
public void processLine(){
//Find the WebXEO.GridPanel that has the selected line
GridPanel panel = (GridPanel) getViewRoot().findComponent(GridPanel.class);
//Retrieve the current active row (a DataRecordConnecor)
DataRecordConnector currentLine = panel.getActiveRow();
//Find the column that has a meaningful value (i.e. and id, for example)
DataFieldConnector currentColumn = currentLine.getAttribute("BOUI");
//Retrieve the value for that column
String value = currentColumn.getValue().toString();
//Use the value of the BOUI to load and process the instance
try {
XEOApplication app = XEOApplication.getDefaultApplication();
boObject b = app.getSecureObjectManager().
loadObject(getEboContext(), Long.valueOf(value));
//Process the instance
} catch (boRuntimeException e) { /* Log or deal with the exception*/}
You may need a few modifications if:
- You have more than one instance of a gridPanel/list/bridge component in your viewer
- If you allow multiple lines to be selected and want to process them all
If you fall in situation 1, you'll need to see the previous section, titled "Finding a component in the component tree".
If you fall in situation 2, you'll need the following code:
public void processLines(){
//Find the WebXEO.GridPanel that has the selected line
WebXEO.GridPanel panel = (WebXEO.GridPanel) getViewRoot().findComponent(WebXEO.GridPanel.class);
//Retrieve the selected lines (a DataRecordConnector[])
DataRecordConnector[] currentLines = panel.getSelectedRows();
//Iterate through all the lines
for (DataRecordConnector currentLine : currentLines){
//Find the column that has a meaningful value (i.e. and id, for example)
DataFieldConnector currentColumn = currentLine.getAttribute("BOUI");
//Retrieve the value for that column
String value = currentColumn.getValue().toString();
//Use the value of the BOUI to load and process the instance
try {
XEOApplication app = XEOApplication.getDefaultApplication();
boObject b = app.getSecureObjectManager().
loadObject(getEboContext(), Long.valueOf(value));
//Process the instance
} catch (boRuntimeException e) { /* Log or deal with the exception*/}
The main difference from the previous situation is the
getSelectedRows method that returns a
DataRecordConnector array with all the lines that are selected in the panel.
Changing the current active tab
If a user is interacting with a given viewer that has several tabs, you may want to set a given tab as active in response to a given action (for example a button click). In order to do that you can use the following code (you'll need to add an identifier to the tab you want to set as active, for this example let's assume it's "t1"):
Tabs tabs = (Tabs) getViewRoot().findComponent(Tabs.class);
If you have more than one instance of the
Tabs component you'll need to find the component by its identifier (
see finding a component above).
Refreshing a list after creating a new instance in an edit viewer
When you create a new instance in a edit viewer (and you have the list viewer in a open tab) you'll notice that the instance is not imediately added to the list (you need to refresh the list). This is made for performance reasons, but there are times when you may want to refresh the list after closing the tab. To do that, you have to override the
canCloseTab method in the
WebXEO.XEOEditBean with the following code:
public void canCloseTab(){
//Retrieve the parent view for the current edit bean
//(which will be the list viewer) and trigger the synching (essentially re-rendering) of that viewer.
You can actually use this trick to refresh currenty viewer (by using
getViewRoot().syncClientView()) or you can refresh any viewer that was created by its parent using the
createChildView method (because it sets that viewer has a parent of the created one, so when you invoke
getParentView() on the child, the parent will be returned.
Making a direct database connection (to execute a SQL statement)
Most of the time in a XEO Application you'll only need to execute BOQL statements, but there may be times where you need to execute SQL statements directly against the database, to do that you'll need the following:
Statement stmt = null;
Connection connection = getEboContext().getConnectionData();
try {
stmt = connection.prepareCall("select * from TABLE");
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
// Process the lines
} catch (SQLException e) { /* Log or treat the exception */
//Close the connections
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {/* Log or treat the exeception */ }
Passing a parameter from the menu entry in a main viewer to the list viewer(or from any menu to another viewer)
When you create a menu entry in a Main viewer, to open a list viewer you usually do the following:
<xvw:menu text='Menu Name' value="{viewerName:'Object/list.xvw', boql:select Object}"
target='Tab' serverAction="#{viewBean.listObject}" />
Which will open the list viewer for "Object" in a new tab. You may want, however, to pass aditional parameters to the bean of the list viewer that will be open. In order to that, you can add the new parameters to the "value" property of the menu component (it must be a valid JSON string), in the following example to add a "type" parameter.
<xvw:menu text='Menu Name' value="{viewerName:'Object/list.xvw', boql:select Object, type: 'sunny'}"
target='Tab' serverAction="#{viewBean.listObject}" />
All you have to do in the list viewer's bean is to add a constructor that will catch the parameter, like the following:
private String type = null;
public ObjectListBean(){
try {
//Retrieve the current context
XUIRequestContext oRequestContext = XUIRequestContext.getCurrentContext();
//Create a JSON Object from the string passed in the "value" property of the Menu component
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(
type = jsonObject.getString( "type" );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
//Log exception
public String getType(){
return type;
Beware of the following:
When creating a constructor for a bean, if the code that it's executed in the constructor generates an exception. The viewer will not load and the message you'll see is only "
Error loading class [path.to.your.bean] for the viewer [Path/toYour/viewer.xvw]".