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-- PedroRio - 31 Mar 2011

XEO Library - Your First XEO Application

An example application - XEO Library

In this chapter we describe our very first application, to show XEO's capabilities resolving real-world issues, by describing a management application for a library ( read more).

XEO Studio Introduction

In this chapter you'll learn how to create a new XEO Project using the XEO Studio plugin, and also to deploy a XEO Project ( read more).

Object Modeling - XEO Library

In this chapter we'll model the entities described in the sample application chapter, as XEO Object Models. This chapter will be divided in two parts. The first part consists of modeling a simple entity (Author) and showing how to quickly set up viewers for that Object Model and the second part where the remaining entities will be transformed to Object Models. Links to both sections bellow.

Modeling the Author entity ((read more))

Modeling the remaining entities ((read more))

Object Behavior - XEO Library

Controlling the desired behavior in each Object Model, using Java or BOL ( read more)

XEO Web Components - XEO Library

XEO's visual layer, to create web pages capable of interacting with the objects, check out the introduction to XEO Viewers and Web Components( read more)

Try the first viewer, the Author list, edit and lookup viewer ( read more)

Check the creation of a more complex viewer, the edit for the LIB_Book Object Model ( read more)

Get a feel of the Java API for Web Components ( read more)

Creating a more complex viewer, featuring custom lookup viewers and custom beans for the Movement edit viewer ( read more)

XEO Library Security / OPL (Object Policy Labeling)

Declaring security features of the XEO Objects in the Library Application ( read more)

Topic revision: r3 - 2011-04-04 - NicolauGrosskopf

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