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-- JoaoCarreira - 22 Dec 2009

Message Box

The MessageBox component allows the creation of dialog boxes to ask the application user what decission to take about some applicational circunstances.

This component allows the reation of the following boxes:

Message Box Component

<xvw:messageBox ... >

Property Type Description
id string Component Id



Type of icon to be shown in the Dialog Box. The options are:

WARNING - Warning box

QUESTION - Interogation Box

INFO - Info Box

ERROR - Error Box

title string / EL The title of the message box
defaultConfirmButton string Confirm button Id. Sellected by default, if the user presses ENTER the button action is executed
defaultCancelButton string Cancel button Id. Sellected by default, if the user presses ESC, the button action is executed
message string / EL The content of the message box



Predefined button Template. Valid values are:

YES - Box with only one button with label YES

OK - Box with only one button with label OK

OKCANCEL - Box with two buttons, one with label OK and another one with label CANCEL

YESNO - Box with two buttons, one with label YES and another one with label NO

YESNOCANCEL - Box with 3 buttons, one with label YES, another with NO and one with CANCEL

actions JSON Array with EL Methods JSON Array with same number of possitions as buttons defined in "buttons". Example, if in buttons is defined OKCANCEL a array with two possitions should be build, one for the action OK and one for CANCEL. eg: ['#{viewBean.myOkAction}','#{viewBean.myCancelAction}'].
minWidth int The minimum width of the MessageBox
maxWidth int The maximum width of the MessageBox

This compont can have as childs the components xvw:menu or Childs.

Examples of use
MessageBox Declaration in a viewer using the predefined buttons.
<xvw:viewer (...)>
 <xeo:form id='formUser'>
   title='Message Box Title' 
   message='My Message Box text'

Show the dialog Box starting from a action of a viewer Bean:

 // Action which is necessary to be confirmed b the user
 public void arquivarQuestion() {
  Dialogs.showDialog( getViewRoot(), "formUser:myMessageBox" );
 public void ok() {
  // The user pressed ok
  // Do Work
 public void cancel() {
  // The user pressed cancel
  // Do Work

If there is no action associated to the button, the action can be empty. If so happens, the button only closes the dialog box, without executing any action.

Declaring a MessageBox in a viewer using customized buttons.

The behavior is the same, but the attributes buttons and actions do not have to be defined in the MessageBox component, but in the childs of type xvw:menu

  title='Message Box Title' 
  message='My Message Box text' 
 <xvw:menu text='Button 1' id='btn1' serverAction='#{viewBean.btn1Action}' />
 <xvw:menu text='Button 2' id='btn2' serverAction='#{viewBean.btn2Action}' />
 <xvw:menu text='Button 3' id='btn3' serverAction='#{viewBean.btn3Action}' />

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatPNG messageBoxQuestion.PNG manage 4.4 K 2011-02-09 - 15:03 NicolauGrosskopf  
Unknown file formatPNG messageBoxWarning.PNG manage 4.2 K 2011-02-09 - 15:03 NicolauGrosskopf  
Unknown file formatPNG messageBoxError.PNG manage 3.9 K 2011-02-09 - 15:02 NicolauGrosskopf  
Unknown file formatPNG messageBoxInfo.PNG manage 3.8 K 2011-02-09 - 15:03 NicolauGrosskopf  
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Topic revision: r5 - 2011-03-23 - NicolauGrosskopf

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