The Business Object Language is a small expression language to help define conditions for the behavior in XEO Object Models. It allows to reference attribute values, compare them with other values as well as making small calculations. The following sections explain the various operators and statements that can be used in the language.
XEO Model attributes can be referenced in BOL expressions by their name, for example if you want to create an expression that represents the following ideia: "If the value of attribute X is bigger than 5, return true" the bol expression would be "if (x > 5) return true". This syntax works for attributes that are not Collection nor Object.
When dealing with a XEO Model attribute you can refer to the values of its attributes by using the separator '.' ; Imagine a situation where we have a XEO Model to represent a Person, a Car and a Car Brand, where Person has 1:1 relation to Car which has a 1:1 relation to Brand, those relations are depicted in figure BOL.1. The following tables have the definition of the Object Models.
Person ( Person )
Attribute Name | Attribute Type | Label | Description | Length | Required | Object Type |
name | Text | Name | Person Name | 30 | - | N/A |
avg_km_car_year | Number | Average Km's | Average KM's per year with a car | 30 | - | N/A |
driver_license | Text | Driver License Number | The identifier of the driver license | 30 | - | N/A |
ID | Text | Identifier | The identifier of the person | 30 | - | N/A |
age | Number | Age | The age of the person | 3 | - | N/A |
favorite_car | Text | Favorite Car | The favorite car of the person | 30 | - | N/A |
car | Object | Car | The car of the person | 30 | - | Car |
Car ( Car )
Attribute Name | Attribute Type | Label | Description | Length | Required | Object Type |
model | Text | Model | The model of the car | 30 | - | N/A |
age | Number | Age | The age of the car | 3 | - | N/A |
kms | Number | Kilometers | The number of kilometers the car has done | 4 | - | N/A |
brand | Object | Brand | The car brand | 4 | - | N/A |
Brand ( Brand )
Attribute Name | Attribute Type | Label | Description | Length | Required | Object Type |
name | Text | Name | Name of the category | 30 | true | N/A |
Figure BOL.1 - XEO Models for the BOL example.
Tentar verificar se é possível usar "parent.att" em BOL
Boolean values can be used in BOL expressions. The folowing expressions represent the "true" value:
In the same way, the following values represent the "false" value:
In BOL you can use conditional expressions in the form of if/else statements. The syntax is like the following:
If you need more conditions you use if/else statements with brackets
Most BOL expressions are used in places where they must return a value (be it a boolean, string or numeric value). In order to do that BOL has the expression "return" which will return the result of evaluating the expression on its right side. Example:
return true
return YES --- if (age > 18) return "You can drive" else return "Need to wait a little longer"
BOL expressions can have multiple operands linked by operators (as with most programming languages). In BOL the following operators are allowed:
You can have expressions such as:
if (att1 > 2 && att2 != 45 && att3 == 'F') return "42"
BOL includes a set of predefined functions which can be used inside every BOL Expression.
NOW - Returns the current date with time
TODAY - Returns the current date without time information
NOW_HOURS - Returns the current date with time information about the hour (discards minutes, seconds and mili-seconds)
NOW_MINUTES - Returns the current date with time information about the hour and minutes (discards seconds and mili-seconds)
ROUND(Number) - Rounds to the nearest integer (0.4 -> 0; 0.5 -> 1)
CONCAT (Concatenates two values)
TO_DATE (Converts to a Date value)
Format must be compatible with the ones accepted by SimpleDateFormatter (if the format is not correct it will simply return a null value)
The first argument can be one of the following functions (NOW, TODAY, NOW_MINUTES, NOW_HOURS, or any other valid date).
Sum(3 , 1 ) will return 4 Sum (att1, att2 ) - assuming both are attributes which contain a value that can converted to a number will return the sum of the two
Substract (3 , 1 ) will return 2 Subtract (att1, att2 ) - assuming both are attributes which contain a value that can converted to a number will return the difference between the two
DIFF_IN_DAYS (Difference in days between two dates)
Returns the number of days between two dates
DIFF_IN_DAYS (NOW, TO_DATE('22/12/2012','dd/MM/yyyy')) which will return the number of days between today and December 22nd, 2012
DIFF_IN_DAYS (TO_DATE('20/12/2012','dd/MM/yyyy'), TO_DATE('22/12/2012','dd/MM/yyyy')) which will return 2 (two)
DIFF_IN_UTIL_DAYS (Difference in work days between two dates)
IS_NULL (Checks if a given value is null)
Works for all kinds of attributes except for Collection attributes. Returns true is the value of the attribute is null (i.e. newly created object will have all attributes null (except if they have a default value)).
if (IS_NULL (att1)) return true
This section shows some examples of BOL expressions using the previous Model (Person, Car and Brand)
Figure BOL.2 - Examples of BOL Expressions
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