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-- PedroRio - 30 Jan 2011

boConfig - XEO Application Configuration

The boConfig.xml file (located at the root of every XEO Application) is the basic configuration file in a XEO Application.

The boConfig.xml file has a root element boConfig and then several child elements, each of them responsible for the configuration of different parts of the XEO Application.

Definition Directory

Path to the directory where the XEO Packages (containing the XEO Models) are located (by default "bodef")



Profiles Definition Directory

Path to the directory where workplaces and profile definition files are located (by default "uidef\default")



Web Context Root

The web context root of the application (it must also be configured in your Application Server as well, this value does not deploy the application in that address) - by default "/xeo".




The encoding of the application - default is "UTF-8"



Deployment - Configurations of the XEO Builder

The deployment section configures the XEO Builder, it has several subconfigurations:

  • Class Directory - Where to put the compiled generated classes by the Builder
  • Source Directory - Where to put the source code for the generated classes by the builder
  • Object Model Directory - Where to put the XEO Models so that they are acessible by the application
  • Java Compiler - Path to the Java compiler (JDK 1.6)
  • Model Templates - TODO
  • JSP Deploy Directory - Where to put the JSP's generated from viewer definition inside Object Models
  • Web Modules Directory - Where to find the web applications from the XEO Core and Modules
  • Library Directory - Where to find Java Libraries required by the project
  • Tablespace - The database tablespace (Oracle), in MySQL, use the database name

Example of a configuration:



Threads - Background work configurations

This section allows to define the background workers (threads) available in the XEO Application (by default, only the FullText Indexer (Ebo_TextIndex) is active)

To know more about Background work, check the Threads and Schedules section.


<threads type="userThreads">
        <thread interval="15000" ejb-name="ejb/boTextIndexAgent" name="boTextIndex Agent"/>


DataSources - Configurations about the datasources used

The datasources section, defines the implementation classes that are used in order to access the relational database.

Example (for Oracle connection):

        <DataSource boql="true" name="DATA">
        <DataSource boql="true" name="SYS">

At the moment there are three driver implementations (MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server). XEO Studio will generate the approriate boConfig when you configure the database connection but the three driver implementations are as follows:

  • (MySQL)
  • (Oracle)
  • (MS SQL Server)


Log Configuration

Configures the Logger for the XEO Application ( read more)

Mail Configuration

Configures the mail server to allow the XEO application to send mails. The mail configuration can include any number of properties (which you can access using XEO's API). The basic configuration is the following (the smpthost property is required to exists, although the values does not need to have a valid smtp server)


If you have your own mail sending mechanism you can also use boConfig just to keep your configuration values. The boConfig.xml file is read and made available by a wrapper class ( which can be accessed through class boApplication. The boApplicationConfig class has a method getMailConfig which returns a Properties instance. By default the only property will be "smtphost" but if you in the boconfig file you include additional elements, those elements will be transformed to properties, as follows:


If you used this configuration, when retrieving the Properties from the getMailConfig method you would have four properties (smtphost, defaultuser, serverPort and myVeryCustomConfiguration).

ECM Repositories (optional)

Not yet available in XEO

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Repositories allow you to store documents, which can be used whithin a XEO Application (just like regular files). XEO supports Repositories which are compatible with the JCR 1.0 specification. You can configure several JCR repositories to be available in a XEO Application; to configure a single repository you use the following properties:

Repository Properties

Property Name Type Description XML declaration NotesSorted ascending
name String The repository identifier name='JackRabbitXEO'  
classConnection String The fully qualified name of a class that implemets the interface which is responsible for creating a JCR Session with the repository classConnection=''  
showAllProperties boolean Whether the visual layer should try to display all properties of files/folders or only the ones declared in the File/Folder/Metadata nodes (see bellow) showAllProperties='false'  
repositoryConnection XML element Parameters to be passed to the connection class (see classConnection property) this is done automatically when instatianting the class. <repositoryConnection>
<parameter name='foo' value='bar'>
<parameter name='bar' value='foo'>
default boolean Whether this is the default repository or not default = 'true' If a repository is not specified when saving/reading, etc... the default repository is used

System Properties

The system properties configuration allows you to declare which (if any) properties in JCR nodes are system specific and you don't to display them when using the visual components. You declare the system properties as follows (the example includes a real configuration for the JackRabbit repository):

       <!-- System Properties that we don't want to display in forms and etc.. -->
           <property name='jcr:createdBy'></property>
           <property name='jcr:uuid'></property>
           <property name='jcr:primaryType'></property>


File Node Configuration

The file node configuration allows you to specify the nodes that will represent files (for the XEO Application) in the repository. You can specify:

  • Type of node
  • The node property which represents the binary data
  • The node property which represents the creation date
  • The node property which represents the update
  • The node property which represents the mimetype


You should configure the properties you want to have (or the ones the existing nodes already have) so that the implementation can correctly read/update the properties. The properties can be spread in the main node or child nodes.

Child Nodes

A File Node can have child nodes and have its properties stored in those file nodes (depending on the reposito

A sample XML configuration for the File Node when trying to use a default JackRabbit instalation

      <property label='Create Date' name="jcr:created" type='attributeDate' mainNode='true'/>
      <property label='File' name='jcr:data' type='binary'></property>
      <property label='Encoding' name="jcr:encoding" type='attributeText' />
      <property label='MimeType' name='jcr:mimeType' type='attributeText'></property>
      <property label='Date Update' name='jcr:lastModified' type='attributeDate'></property>
     <childNode name="jcr:content" type="nt:resource">
               <property label='MimeType' name="jcr:mimeType" type="string"></property>
               <property label='Encoding' name="jcr:encoding" type="string"></property>
               <property label='File' name="jcr:data" type="binary"></property>
               <property label='Date Update' name="jcr:lastModified" type="date"></property>
      <childNode />

And another when using a repository that has the nodes declared by default by the XEO framework

       <property label='File' name='xeo:data' type='binary' mainNode='true'></property>


Folder Node Configuration

The file node configuration allows you to specify the nodes that will represent folders (for the XEO Application) in the repository. You can specify:

  • Type of node
  • The node property which represents the creation date
  • The node property which represents the update date
  • The type of child nodes

Like with FileNodes you should also declare the properties and the child nodes of a folder node. A sample XML configuration to use a default JackRabbit folder node in a XEO Application:

<folderNode type="nt:folder"  
     <property label='Create Date' name="jcr:created" type='date' mainNode='true'/>
  <childNodes />

And a configuration to XEO default folder nodes:

<folderNode type="xeo:folder"  
   <properties />
   <childNodes />

Metadata Node Properties

You can also declare several different types of metadata nodes which can be associated to File and Folder Nodes. When declaring a metadata node you can define the following:

  • Type of the node
  • The name of the metadata node
  • If nodes of this type can be created
  • If this type is the default node
  • Query to reach metadata nodes (if metadata nodes are within some path, this tells the implementation where to find and save metadata nodes (other than the root of course)
  • List of properties of the metadata node
  • Child nodes that the metadata node can have

A sample XML configuration bellow (for XEO's default metadata nodes, JackRabbit by default does not provide such a node type):

     <metadataNode type="xeo:metadata" name="metadata" canCreate="true" default="true">
        <properties />
        <children />


Sample XML (for a complete configuration of one repository):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ecmRepository name='JackRabbitXEO' default='true' fileConnector=''
        classConnection='' showAllProperties='false'>
                <parameter name='exampleParameter' value='bar'></parameter>
            <!-- System Properties that we don't want to display in forms and etc.. -->
                <property name='jcr:createdBy'></property>
                <property name='jcr:uuid'></property>
                <property name='jcr:primaryType'></property>
                <property label='File' name='xeo:data' type='binary' mainNode='true'></property>
        <folderNode type="xeo:folder"  
            <childNodes />
            <metadataNode type="xeo:metadata" name="metadata" canCreate="true" default="true">



Repositories are used to represent data sources for the XEO application and are configured as following:


The DATABASE_NAME_OR_SCHEMA value should be replaced with the name of the database (MySQL, SQLServer) used by the application, or the schema name (Oracle). Also, it's the only value you need to change.


The languages allows you to define the default language for the XEO Application and set the available languages for the application.



Word Templates


Win 32 Client



When some modules are installed in a XEO Application, additional properties can be configured in boConfig: namely:

Content Manager

In order to configure the Content Management you'll need to define the XEO Models that used as Content and the XEO Models that are used as Images, like the following:



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Topic revision: r9 - 2011-03-31 - PedroRio

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