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-- PedroRio - 21 Feb 2011

XEO Web Components - Plugins

XEO provides a set of predefined components which can be customized through their properties, but, at first glance, their behavior cannot be changed. To provide a solution to extend existing components XEO provides the notion of a Web Component Plugin.

A Web Component Plugin allows you to change the default behavior of a component by "injecting code" at certain points of the execution of the components methods. Every component that extends from XUIComponentBase has a plugIn property which can be configured with a bean method that will return an instance of a class that represents the plugin. That method must return an instance of a class that extends the abstract class netgest.bo.xwc.framework.XUIComponentPlugIn.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2011-02-21 - PedroRio

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