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-- JoaoCarreira - 22 Dec 2009

Menu Counter

The component xeo:MenuCounter allows adding counters to the TreePanel entires (think unread messages in outlook). This component extends the xvw:menu component.

<xeo:menuCounter ... >
Property Type Description Possible Values Usage Example
id string Component Id String (valid Java variable name) Required Default auto-generated
boql string / EL BOQL to give the count. Eg. select Ebo_Perf where active='1' BOQL expression Optional  
sql string / EL SQL to give the count. Eg: select count(*) from OEbo_Perf SQL expression Optional  
counterValue string / EL Value to put in the counter, if the couter result is a bean property, or a fix value Any integer Optional  
counterMask string Value Presentation Mask: Eg: <b style='color:red'>%s</b> Where %s is replaced by the counter value.   Optional  
updateInterval string Time in seconds between each update Any integer Optional  

The component to retrieve the counter value uses the following processing order:

  1. Checks if the counterValue has value.
  2. Checks if the boql property has a value.
  3. Checks if the sql property has a value
  4. Checks if the value has a JSON Object, and if it has the boql property.

Childs Elements



Declaring a MenuCounter in a viewer:

<xvw:viewer (...)>
        <xvw:treePanel renderComponent='false' id='tree'>
           boql="select MyObject"
      text='My Object'  
      value="{viewerName:'viewers/MyObject/list.xvw', boql:'select MyObject'}" 

In the previous example as the property "counterValue" is not set, the value for the counter will be retrieved by counting the results of the boql expression.

How to update a counter programatically (in a Bean action):

 // Update a specific counter (using its client id)
 public void updateCounter() {
     MenuCounter.updateClientCounter( "formId:menuCounterId" );

 //Update all counters
 public void updateAllCounter() {

Topic revision: r11 - 2012-01-16 - PedroRio

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