PedroRio - 2013-11-12
In order to make code easier to write, beggining with version 3.2.014 XEO has a class netgest.bo.system.XEO which acts as a
Facade for several APIs. It includes the following types of methods (see the class for more details in your IDE, note that
If you need to explicitly use a certain instance of EboContext call the method which accepts the context as a parameter, otherwise it will use the default context (available at boApplication.currentContext().getEboContext())
XEO.loadObject - Loads an object given its boui
XEO.loadWithQuery - Loads an object given a BOQL query, you can pass arguments and those arguments can be boObject instances (no need to do object.getBoui())
XEO.list -Creates a boObjectList (arguments can be boObject instances)
XEO.builder - Creates a builder for when you need to pass extra parameters to the boObjectList
XEO.getLov - Retrieves a certain lovObject
XEO.getMetadata (alias for boDefHandler.getBoDefinition()) - Retrieves the Object metadata
XEO.login* - Login as SYSUSER or as a specific user
XEO.get*Locale - Retrieve the Locale associated with the application/user