PedroRio - 24 Jan 2011
XEO Main Admin(XEO Application Administration)
The XEO Main Admin is a special Main viewer that's provided by the default with a XEO Application to manage several aspects of the XEO Application. To access the Application Administration page you'll need a user which has the "XEO Administration" profile. In a newly created application, only the superuser (SUSUSER) has access to that profile. Open you browser and type the XEO application url (in development, usualy localhost:8888/xeo/Login.xvw) and login with SYSUSER/ABC with the "XEO Administration" Profile (the list of profiles appears the in Login form after you tried to login with the user/password). The Administration page is depicted in figure
Figure MainAdmin.1 - Administration Page Home Screen
The Administration Page automatically opens the Home Screen viewer which displays a series of information about the current state of the XEO Application. In the home screen you can see the application's memory usage, the Java Virtual Machine's memory usage, CPU usage, the list of background threads, the list user sessions as well as a series of charts (some charts are not imediatelly displayed because in large databases the queries can be heavy, as such charts are generated on-demand and their results are cached for a certain amount of time).
The Administration page has five different areas:
- User Management
- Security
- XEO Models
- Administration (aka Maintenance)
- Development
In the following sections all five areas (and their contents will be explained). We'll start with the User Management area.
User Management
The User Management section allows to manage users, user groups, functions, roles, profiles and workplaces.
The "Users" menu in the tree open the list of existing users in the XEO Application and allows to create new users. Editing existing users allows to change their properties (name, password, e-mail, address, etc...) as well as mananing the user's profiles and groups (as depicted in figure
Figure MainAdmin.2 - Editing an existing user's attributes
The "Groups", "Functions", "Roles" and "Profiles" menu entries are for mananing the various forms of User Groupings that are available in a XEO Application. The two most used ones are "Groups" and "Profiles". Usually you create Groups / Profiles representing users with a special status, permission and add users to those groups/profiles and then restrict access to some parts of the application based on the user's group or profile. Tipically, Main viewers have their menus protected with reference to the profiles/groups which can see them.
The "Workplaces" menu allows to define "Workplaces". A workplace is the mapping between a given profile and their "place of work". This translates to associating a given profile with a specific Main viewer, so that when a user logs in with profile "A" it's automatically redirected to workplace "X". This situation is depicted in figure
Figure LibMain.3 - Editing an existing Workplace (taken from the XEO Library application)
The security menu gives you access to the security options in XEO. You have Object Model Security Policies and Viewer Security.
Object Model Security Policies
XEO Models