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-- JoaoAires - 26 Mar 2013

The global search component


is a toolbar component, typically to be placed in a main viewer and it allows you to make searches on the Ebo_TextIndex results.

It has a text field for the user to set its search parameters and an (optional) combo to allow users to restrict searches to a set of objects

The button to perform a search, opens a new viewer in a tab with the results.


Property Description Type Defaul Value Usage
label The label of the search button String
icon The icon of the search button String "" Optional
showModelsCombo Whether to show the models combo or not EL / Boolean False Optional
searchWidth The width of the search text fields String "80" Optional
comboModelOptions A map containing the XEO Models to restrict the search
comboWidth The width of the combobox String "80" Optional


Topic revision: r1 - 2013-03-26 - JoaoAires

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