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-- PedroRio - 13 Sep 2010


The xvw:rows components creates a tabular structure so that form elements can be placed inside. The purpose is to have those form components aligned in any way desired

Property Description Type Possible Values Default Value Usage Example
cellSpacing The spacing between cells Integer Any positive value (including 0) 5 Optional  
cellPadding THe padding of the text inside cells Integer Any positive value (including 0) 5 Optional  
width The width of the table String Any positive value in percentage or pixels 99,9% Optional width='300px' or width='50%'
height The height of the table String Any positive value in percentage or pixels 99,9% Optional height='300px' or height='50%'
columns The number of columns in this table (to allow better formating) Integer Any positive value 2 Optional  
columnWidths The width of the columns in this table String A list of comma-separated values (can be in percentage or pixels) or "auto" auto Optional columnWidths='33%,33%,33%' or columnWidths='100px,300px,300px'
labelPosition The position of the labels (can be left of an input field, or on top of a input field) String 'left' / 'Top' left Optional  
labelWidth The width of each label inside a cell Integer Any positive value 100 Optional  


The xvw:row element creates a row (hence the name) inside a table (xvw:rows). this component serves only to create a row that can be filled using xvw:cell components.


Property Description Type Possible Values Default Value Usage
visible Whether the row is visible or not Boolean / EL True / False True Optional


The xvw:cell component creates a column within a row of a table.


To create a tow row table each with two columns, the following code can be used

    <xvw:cell> Cell1 of Row1</xvw:cell>
    <xvw:cell> Cell2 of Row1</xvw:cell>
    <xvw:cell> Cell1 of Row 2</xvw:cell>
    <xvw:cell> Cell2 of Row 2</xvw:cell>

This component has the following properties:

Property Type Default Value
colSpan Integer 0

To be continued

Topic revision: r9 - 2013-03-28 - JoaoAires

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