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-- PedroRio - 20 Apr 2010


A GridPanel is a XVW component that's used to display (in a tabular form) a list of items (provided by a data source). It provides built-in mechanisms to sort, group the data, etc. The items in a GridPanel are paginated by default (50 items per page)

Items in the table can be selected and clicked which can in turn trigger specific actions (such as opening a new window when double clicking a given row in the table)

A GridPanel should be used inside a Panel component.

XML Definition

A GridPanel is declared as following:


Component from which the Grid Panel Extends

  • None
Components that Extend Grid Panel

GridPanel Properties
Property Description Requirement Default Value Type Comments
dataSource The list of items for the GridPanel required - DataListConnector This property must be binded to the Bean and must return an implementation of the DataList connector. There are aready two default implementations. The XEOObjectListConnector and the XEOBridgeListConnector.
autoExpandColumn The column that will auto expand to fill available space optional - String (name/datafield) of a column) When this feature is used, columnWidth values are not respected (even with forceColumnsFitWidth=false)
pageSize The number of items that are listed per page (next items are shown in a different page) optional 50 Integer pageSize='10' -> 10 items per page
rowSelectionMode Determines how a user can select the rows in the grid panel. Default (ROW) allows the user to select a single row; (MULTI_ROW) allows the user to select multiple row and CELL disables row selection. Users select multiple lines with the Ctrl button optional ROW Enum (ROW, MULTI_ROW, CELL) / EL rowSelectionMode='CELL'
rowDblClickTarget The target for the action invoked when a row is double clicked optional tab Enum (blank, self, tab, download, window, top)  
onRowDoubleClick Defines the method that's invoked when a row of the GridPanel is doubled clicked. optional   EL

*Note: It needs to be declared when using rowDblClickTarget.

Use it empty (onRowDoubleClick="") to disable the double click.

groupBy Groups the results by a given column optional -

EL / The name of a column of the GridPanel


enableGroupBy="true" has to be declared

enableGroupBy Whether or not the results in this GridPanel can be grouped (only single column groups can be made at this point) optional false Boolean / EL enableGroupBy='true'
onSelectionChange Allows the definition of an action when a row is selected optional   EL  
rowClickTarget The target for the action invoked when a row is clicked optional   Enum(blank, self, tab, download, window, top)  
Property Description Requirement Default Value Type Comments
onRowClick Defines the method that's invoked when a row of the GridPanel is clicked. optional   EL *Note: It needs to be declared when using rowClickTarget
enableHeaderMenu Defines whether or not the header menu appears in the GridPanel. The Header Menu is situated on the top part of the GridPanel and it hosts the Title. optional true Boolean / EL  
enableColumnResize Whether or not the columns may be resized by the user optional true Boolean / EL  
enableColumnMove Whether or not the user can re-order columns in the GridPanel optional true Boolean / EL  
enableColumnHide Whether or not the user can hide Columns in the GridPanel optional true Boolean /EL  
enableColumnFilter COMPLETE / ERROR DOES NOT WORK optional true Boolean  
enableColumnSort Whether or not columns can be sorted optional true Boolean / EL  
Whether or not the results in this GridPanel
can be grouped (only single column groups can be made at this point)
optional false Boolean *Note: Has to be set to true if groupBy tag is defined
autoHeight Allows the GridPanel to resize to the space required to show all the data. optional false Boolean  
height Allows to manually define the height of the GridPanel optional 250 Integer  
Property Description Requirement Default Value Type Comments
title Defines the title of the GridPanel optional   String /EL  
sActiveRow The currently selected row in the GridPanel optional   String  
forceColumnsFitWidth Forces the columns to fit the current available space in the viewer where the GridPanel is defined optional true Boolean If you want to set width of columns, this option must be set to false
rowClass Applies a CSS class to each row. Must return an implementation of the GridRowRenderClass interface optional   EL / GridRowRenderClass  
serverActionWaitMode The message to show when the component is waiting for a server action optional "NONE" EL / String Value come from the XVWServerActionWaitMode Enumeration
objectAttribute Binds the data of the GridPanel to an attribute of an object. The attribute must be of type AttributeObjectCollection optional   EL / String  
rowUniqueIdentifier The name of the column used to uniquely identity each row, Optional "BOUI" EL / String  
minHeight The minimum height for the GridPanel Optional 60 Integer  
currentSortTerms The current sort terms (can be used for a default sort term), in the form of NAME_COLUMN PIPE ORDER Optional    


enableAggregate Allows aggregate stats to be rendered on numeric fields (such as MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM) Optional false EL / String  
Property Description Requirement Default Value Type Comments
showGroupToolBar Whether to show the toolbar for Drag and Drop Grouping Optional false Boolean  
enableSelectionAcrossPages Whether to enable selections to be maintained across pages Optional false Boolean  
filterLookup   Optional      

HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>
objectAttribute Binds the data of the GridPanel to an attribute of an object Optional   String  
advancedFilters A JSON Object with the filters for the advanced search Optional   String  
currentExpandedGroups   Optional   String  
layout   Optional "fit-parent" String  
region   Optional   String  
autoSaveGridState   Optional   String  
Property Description Requirement Default Value Type Comments
currentColumnsConfig   Optional   String  
autoReloadData   Optional   Boolean  
defaultSettings   Optional  

Possible Child Components:

  • ColumnAttribute (to choose which columns should appear in the table)
  • GridNavBar (to choose if a given number of options should be present in the bottom navigational bar of the GridPanel)
  • ToolBar (Each GridPanel has a default toolbar wich can be overriden)
Property DataSource:

XEOObjectListConnector: The XEOObjectListConnector receives a boObjectList as an argument of the contructor and can be used to incorporate any list of boObjects in the GridPanel

XEOBridgeListConnector: The XEOBridgeListConnector receives a bridgeHandler as an argument of the constructor and can be used to display a bridge of objects in the GridPanel.

Example: Imagine that we want to display all instances of the system model "Ebo_Perf" in a given GridPanel, the dataSource property of the Bean could be a method like this:

public DataListConnector getDataSource()
      String boql = 'select Ebo_Perf';
      boObjectList listOfUsers = boObjectList.list(getEboContext(), boql);
      return new XEOObjectListConnector(listOfUsers);

Aggregating Numeric Column Values

If you want to aggregate numeric columns in a GridPanel you must do the following:

  1. Set the enableAggregate property to true
  2. Set the enableAggregate property to true in the xvw:columnAttribute/xeo:columnAttribute component which is to the aggregated to true. The column must be a numeric type
Example XML declaration

<xvw:gridPanel enableGroupBy="true" enableAggregate="true">
    <xvw:columnAttribute dataField="NUMERIC_FIELD" enableAggregate="true" />

You can aggregate by four different functions: Average, Minimum, Maximum and Sum.


Row Selection

Beggining with version 3.2.014 the GridPanel will always maintain selections, so in order to clean those selections you will need to call the GridPanel's resetSelections(). Unless you do that, selections will always be maintained.

Topic revision: r23 - 2014-03-18 - PedroRio

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