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-- PedroRio - 16 Sep 2010

Splited Lookup

The xeo:splitedLookup component allows to lookup a given XEO Object by searching it directly in a text box.

XML Definition



Property Description Type Possible Values Default Value Usage Example
targetObject The target XEO Object (boObject) from which the lookup should be selected EL/ boObject   #{viewBean.targetObject} Required  
objectAttribute The name of the attribute of the current object where the result of the search is to be saved String The name of an attribute of the current object      
targetLookupAttribute The name of an attribute of the target XEOModel (defined in the type element of the attributeObject) String The name of an attribute on target model   Required  
lookupWidth The width of the lookup box String Any positive integer value with the suffix 'px' (pixels) or '%' (percentage) 60% Optional lookupWidth = '100px' orlookupWidth = '20%'
keyInputWidth The width of the box to write the search value String Any positive integer value with the suffix 'px' (pixels) or '%' (percentage) 30% Optional Same as above
keyInputType The input type for the search field String AttributeText, AttributeNumber, AttributeBoolean, etc... (All types of Attributes) AttributeText Optional  

Extends from

Topic revision: r5 - 2011-04-04 - NicolauGrosskopf

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